Rehab Guru's New Mobile App Is Released On Android & iOS

Rehab Guru's New Mobile App Is Released On Android & iOS

Rehab Guru's New Mobile App Is Released On Android & iOS

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Rehab Guru has just released it’s new mobile app and this is a game changer!

Throw away stick­men draw­ings or print­ed pro­grammes for­ev­er and take your clin­ic to the next lev­el with the pow­er­ful new fea­tures to impress your clients. Avail­able for down­load on the App Store and Google Play, you will appear more pro­fes­sion­al, save your­self time and enjoy send­ing pro­grammes with confidence.

Whats avail­able in Ver­sion 2 of the mobile app?

The High­ly antic­i­pat­ed V2 released today is jump­ing ahead with inno­v­a­tive new fea­tures and design

The new app is a pow­er­ful tool to help deliv­er the great­est qual­i­ty of care to your clients. It takes your pro­fes­sion­al appear­ance to the next lev­el allow­ing you to cus­tomise and send pro­grammes elec­tron­i­cal­ly while work­ing with your client.

Rehab Guru’s users always give great feed­back about the white label ser­vice which allows your clin­ic brand­ing to replace the RG colours, logo and name on your clients exer­cise pro­gramme. Its a great mar­ket­ing and adver­tis­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty as well as boost­ing your rep­u­ta­tion an expert professional!

Down­load­ing the app is free on Android, IOS and desk­top and the links to the app are above.

David Barrow

Rehab Guru Co-Founder

David is a Physiotherapist who has been involved in Professional Sport, battlefield trauma, chronic pain and the NHS. He continues to work clinically alongside his development role in Rehab Guru. David is passionate about Health tech to transform outcomes for patients